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Tag: embroidery

Weave & Stitch

Weave & Stitch

If you follow Jude’s blog, Spirit Cloth, you know that she has been talking a lot about weaving lately. She’s mentioned and shown how much stitching and weaving are the same, So, the other day, when I was looking for something else and came across this bookmark I’d made (either for TAST or for an embroidery class, 10+ years ago), I immediately thought of that. It’s a perfect example of stitch as weave. (Click to open full size image in…

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Another Dot

Another Dot

Because it was definitely inspired by it, I call this one Jude’s Hole in the Wall. (The thing I like most about this name is that it sounds like the name of a cozy pub.) All it is is French knots in a cotton knitting yarn and some perle 8 with some beads and shells. A narrow strip of the muslin it’s sewn on was stitched around a circle, first. After this was almost done, I thought I should have…

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Another TAST Dot

Another TAST Dot

I was sort of watching a soccer game. I drew the outer circle around a large spool of thread. After having so much trouble keeping the size even (I redid it twice), I found my circle stencil and drew two more for the orange and the inner yellow. The green, gold, and orange are week 8-buttonhole stitch. The center yellow is week 9-buttonhole wheel cup, although, I liked the look of the cup sides flattened in, so it ended up…

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Another Dot

Another Dot

This is also TAST week 9–buttonhole wheel. It’s about the size of a quarter, done in perle 5. I don’t think this would be good on a functional quilt. The spokes (even the rim, actually) are too easily caught and pulled. Perhaps smaller circles and/or finer/heavier thread would work. I suppose I could also further embellish it or simply tack it down with a fine thread. I probably will use it on something “arty,” so it matters not.

Log Cabin

Log Cabin

Seeing so many log cabins lately inspired me to make one. I plan to make more. It’s actually bigger in this photo than it really is. (At least, it was, on my laptop before I resized it.) It’s almost 5″ x almost 5″, I’m a bit amazed at how close to square it is. I have all these “ribbons” about ¼” to about 2″ in width, from my sister’s sewing scraps. I chose from these. Some are obviously too narrow,…

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I Can Laugh . . .

I Can Laugh . . .

. . . but I have never figured out the “get rich” part. Today is Laugh and Get Rich Day. Since I last wrote . . . Yes, I got distracted. Nothing new about that. The most amazing thing happened. I got distracted by stitching! Machine stitching–embroidery. The machine is running as I type. Barring any problems, I should be able to type through each color. I’m trying to finish a snowman afghan for my sister. So far, so good….

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Beautiful Visions, Poor Eyesight

Beautiful Visions, Poor Eyesight

I spent this afternoon stitching and was reminded why I haven’t done much stitching (or reading) this summer. I can’t see worth beans! My eyes are so slow at focusing. Today I used the magnifying glass on my craft lamp. That’s a pain in the tush. I had my glasses on, but had to have the magnifying glass at just the right distance. Too close or too far was blurry. Just right was great! I threaded a small needle on…

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UFOs: Part 1

UFOs: Part 1

I have a lot of UFOs. Probably enough to be considered alien. I’m listing them here as much to have a record as to share. This group is all out of my sewing basket. I discovered if I did all my photo editing on my phone, my photos retain their dimensions at halt the size they become when I open then in Irfanview or GIMP (my photo programs) and I can upload them here with no problems. Editing is limited…

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Just Playing Again

Just Playing Again

Sometimes/always there are other things I could/should be doing, but my inner two-year-old takes over and apparently has no adult supervision. I managed to dry one load of clothes (washed the previous day), but I made a lot of kaleidoscope designs. This started out as an abstract bird design. I deleted the background color, then used painting/color abstract paint/comic book (and other) filters (each separate) modes with two of the above (various combinations) sharpen filter symmetry kaleidoscope filter (10 divisions)…

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It Was a Dark and Stormy Day

It Was a Dark and Stormy Day

Not today. The sun is out today. Yesterday the rain poured down and, off and on all week, it’s been grim and cloudy. Since I am most definitely solar powered, that means my energy level hovered around “0” and I didn’t get much done. 😢 Timbers made it to the playoffs, but, alas, did not win. They played in that pouring rain. They made an exciting goal in the final 15 seconds to tie the game, but it ended up…

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