

That’s what kind of day it is. Mostly clear blue skies and not too hot. I haven’t been doing anything much interesting. Mostly garden chores and cleaning. I’m really bad at cleaning. It’s a combination of ADD and boredom. I get totally overwhelmed with big cleaning jobs like my sewing and art rooms. I have no ability to prioritize. But I’m learning. Or, at least, progressing. I have learned quite a bit from Cas at Clutterbug. I was cleaning off…

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I can’t believe I haven’t posted since January 2!! Here’s a quick summary of what I remember at the moment. I was all set to get walking again when I ended up with plantar fasciitis. Besides walking, redoing the art room, cleaning the sewing room, and any garden/yard work was put on hold. After a month of not doing anything I couldn’t do while seated with my feet up, I got moving again. Still slowly. My foot is not 100%…

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Days 1 & 2

Days 1 & 2

I’m still feeling minor effects of our year-end-bug. Moreso yesterday than today. Our holidays were dulled by this bug. Alex arrived with it, but we had probably already been exposed. It wasn’t covid or the flu. Just a dang annoyingly strong cold. There was no fancy cooking, and no kitchen makeover We watched a couple of movies and lots of tv shows. The movies were Gone Girl and The Fabelmans . . . and part 1 of an Indian move…

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When I logged in, I had three updates. Apparently I can do more on here, now. Not that I understood what with the quick scan I did. No time to play with it now. This week was actually productive for me. Unfortunately, not in the way I had hoped. Fortunately, in a way that was needed. Monday was errand day. Not exciting. Among more routine errands, we got a new toilet. Hopefully, we won’t have clogs and backups any more….

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I’ve Been Away

I’ve Been Away

Don’t know where I’ve been. I’m just not here. The thing is, I haven’t actually gone anywhere physically. Some of it is cyberspace that I’ve been away from. I started to post on August 26, but that fell away and is still sitting in drafts not much more than a sentence or two. I haven’t read any blogs since early/mid September. I check my email, maybe once a day. And I have about a dozen sites where I collect free…

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Happy Light

Happy Light

Grace has happy light! No, really! She does! She caught it in a photo of her sunflower. This is an un-retouched, slightly enlarged, section of her photo. This is the sunlight coming through the treetops. Go to her post of 8/6 and click on and enlarge the beautiful sunflower photo. So many of those little orbs of sunlight through the treetops at the top of the photo have smiley faces! I know that sunlight makes me happy, but I never…

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Tuesday 8/15 As I type, it’s 101° outside. If I could simply sit quietly in the shade, it wouldn’t bother me. It’s very dry heat. However, I had to water some pots. They were the ones in the shade. (Those in the sun will get water after dinner.) That helped, but still, just walking around dragging the hose was a sweaty experience. it was nice to be outside despite the sweaty heat. Sunday was hot outside, too, but I wore…

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Free Machine Embroidery Designs

Free Machine Embroidery Designs

It took me all day! But the first ten are available now. The webpage still needs tweaking, but as far as I can tell now (at 1 am), it works. Embroidery ( Machine Embroidery Designs (page 2) As I was working on this, today, I got thinking about my kaleidoscope designs. I have turned a few into designs for both machine and hand embroidering. So now I’m thinking I may offer those for free, too. I dunno.

Friday Got the bathroom cabinet door fixed. It just needed a screw. While I was in there I wiped down the shelf I had to clear to work. When I was done I vacuumed the floor and put down a clean carpet. Next I went in search of my camera and microphone. My den computer is 15-16 years old and is still working great, but does not have those built in. I tested three mics before I realized that they…

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It’s Friday

It’s Friday

I had a reasonably long list of things I wanted to get done this week. I need to redefine reasonable. I probably should also keep a list of what I do manage to get done. It doesn’t seem like I accomplished anything, but I did get some things crossed off the list. I’m not sure what’ll get done today. There are still plenty of items on the list. Hmm . . . Maybe fix the bathroom cabinet door, which is…

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