The Temporary Blog

Since this is just a temporary blog until I figure out what I did wrong with the real blog, I don’t have a comments section.
Feel free to write me at airycat at airynothing dot net, if you want to comment.
July 20, 2020
Blog Tests
Redownloaded the b2evo blog again and am still finding it more complicated than I like or need. I managed to write a short post, though, sort of. The picture inexplicably doessn’t show up.
Downloaded WordPress to compare. It is so much simpler and I was able to acomplish a lot more in less time. So I copied and adapted the post. Much easier and the picture showed up right away … and even automatically resized.
Please take a look and let me know what you think.
July 15, 2020
I often refer to having been lost. The truth of the matter is that it’s where I live. My sister is always telling me I live in my own little world. True. It’s a nice little world. It’s pleasant here. It has it’s own time, which does make it a bit difficult with interacting with the outside world, sometimes. As long as I can return to the outside world when necessary, it’s a good place to be. My only real problem there is that I can’t always keep the outside world out 100%. Or maybe it’s that I can’t stay in my own world 100% of the time. And, as annoying as that can be, I guess that’s my sanity.
If by some chance you end up here with me, you are lost, too. Welcome! Maybe you’re more lost than I am, since this is my world, not yours. Of course, there is a possibility that your world and mine overlap. After all, there is some overlap with the “real” world.
And that’s another thing. Why is the outside of my world considered the “real” world? I suppose it’s because there are many more people out there, and a lot of those people don’t have their own world. I pity them. It’s a kind of homelessness. Which, to me, at least, is much worse than being locked in (out of the outside world).
Creativity is vital. Not merely a physical creativity. Pysical creativity is the making of things–for me embroidery, quilting, painting, and stories (when I write them). But there’s also non concrete creativity, such as an unwritten story, or a creative way of doing something, whether or not its creativity is visible to a viewer.
Lately most of my creativity has been more nebulous or ephemral than I like. I start something and get totally distracted by something else. I had a dream a few mornings ago that was a complete short story. Definitely creative, but every time I’ve sat dowm to write it, I get distracted to something else–usually filing, a necessary, but noncreative chore. The studio is just a similar disaster. So much tidying needed! I did finally manage to finish my ironing, so I can start stitching my big cloth, but, although podcasts did get me through, three hours at the ironing board is very hard on the back–even with a cusioned mat. Between the lack of sleep from the aching back and the general disaster of the area, no stitching was done. I did start some digitizing. I may do more tonight. I enjoy doing it, but its more satisfying to work on my own designs. Making some designs is my goal right now–on GIMP or in the digitizing program. The creative elements are swirling around me. It’s the perfect setup for my favorite kind of designing–play until something shows up.
July 9, 2020
Still Here
But there isn’t much to talk about. I kinda disappeared/got lost after the last post. When that happens I don’t acomplish much.
This week we pulled out the bushes I had planted between the trees (which had to be cut two years ago). I forgot to take a “before” photo, but this photo shows some of it behind and to the left of the daffodils.

This is what it looks like today.

Next is to add lots of compost to the soil and then get those plants planted. Gnomes and/or fairies will sit on the tree stumps.
This weekend I hope to finally get started on my big cloth. I still have ironing to finish first. Once I get moving on it, I’ll have pictures.
Sometime next week I will be opening a Digital Embroidery department at Fancy’s. I will be offering free designsfor machine embroidery. I have several that I’ve used and lots more I’ve digitized, but not sewn out.
May 1, 2020
I Hate Passwords!!!
They always mess me up. I got my new blog going and suddenly I couldn’t log in. After fighting with it, talking to blog folks and webhost, I downloaded and installed the newest version. I used the auto install, which was really easy. I followed the directions! But… When I got the information sheet in my email, my username and passord were both dots. I don’t have a clue what they are. I tried the one I filled in for the blog administrator. Nope. As blog user “faith.” Nope. One I found in my site administration files’ MySQL. Nope. Technically, the blog works, but until it lets me into the admin side, it’s just a b2Evo sample blog.
Maybe I just need to delete it all and reinstall it AGAIN!
I think I’ll just keep this one going, so I can blog whenever it goes down for whatever reason.
If anyone is reading and would like to comment on this temporary blog, it will have to be by email ( This is just a simple html page I add to–One table and no scripts. Start an email subject line with “Blog:” so I can find it …Whatever sorts my mail thinks a lot of stuff I want is junk.
Coming in May!
(I hope!)
- Working on the Garden Dress — following Jude Hill’s HUNKER DOWN Diaries
- Free machine embroidery designs. — I have fun digitizing and thought I would share the results.
September 11, 2019
I did wash my scraps. They came out of the washer looking like this.
My sister tosses her threads snips in with her scraps. I thought I’d got them all pulled out, but… not so much. So off to the ironing board I went.
I forgot to take a photo of the orange box filled with the washed scraps, but it was overflowing. The photo on the left was taken when about half was ironed. On the right they are all ironed and back in the sewing basket, which I put inside the orange box to show what a difference ironing made! Of course, I also ended up with a basket, about half the size of the sewing basket, loosely filled with thread (ravelled and snipped). (I use those in other projects.)