2025 Already??
Needless to say, I’m no more organized than ever. I’m just mentally meandering here.
I have been trying to get more done. If my doctor could keep up with my Adderall Rx, that would be a big help. This week was lost because I had to do things I hadn’t planned and had no Adderall to help me refocus. I requested it in time, but he never seems to realize a controlled substance needs preauthorization every month. I don’t like the idea of needing a pill just to function normally, but I do. It helps me refocus around interruptions and gives me . . . I don’t know, a mental energy, I guess, to jump into something I want to do and start doing it. Without it, I deliberate and procrastinate too much. Even when I’m trying not to!
And, everything takes so much longer than I expect. I had filing from the end of November, that I wanted to get done. I thought it would take about an hour. It took three hours, and it’s still only 90% done. I had planned to spend some time clearing out my sewing room, but that didn’t happen. Part of clearing out means putting a lot of Autumn and Christmas stuff away. That means a bit of reorganization, because I didn’t like how it was before. Oh, well. I did get the Christmas trees put into their box/bag. Maybe tomorrow I can pull out all the suitcases (including the useless one my son–or maybe his dad– put back in there) and get the trees into the back. Then the travel suitcases and then all my machine cases.
I’ve been following Cas at Clutterbug for getting organized. I don’t know if it’s because she also has ADHD, but she makes sense to me in a way few other organizers I’ve looked at in the past do. I’m a butterfly with some bee tendencies. I don’t always get the same result on her quiz, but it’s always a bee or a butterfly. Best thing I’ve learned so far is to label EVERYTHING! Some things I want out and easy to access all the time. Some things can be put into closets or drawers or whatever, but still need to be easy to access. I haven’t labeled everything, yet, but I’m slowly getting there.
I used to be amused that, as a child, my son always had to take everything but the furniture out of his room to clean it. Now, I’m discovering how helpful that really is. Take out everything. Put back only what I want and have a place for. What’s left is what I have to deal with–do I want it? need it? have a place for it? And because I have no place to keep “stuff” until I figure it out, I have to figure it out right now. For my sewing room, everything I haven’t figured out is going into the storage room. That storage room will probably be the last place I get organized, but with both the art room and sewing room cleaned and organized, I think that will actually be easier to do, because I’ll know what goes where, or I’ll be able to figure it out because I can see what already has a place. My biggest problem is not enough wall space. I’d love a pegboard, but I’m not sure where I’d put it . . .

I managed to get a bit of embroidery done for Christmas. After that first batch of white ornaments, I did another. They were ok, but they weren’t digitized as well as the first batch. BUT, something loosened the tension guide in the machine during the last placemat stitching, and when I tried to do more after the second batch of ornaments, it just wasn’t working. One of the things I wanted to do, but didn’t, was get the machine in for maintenance this past week. Hopefully I’ll get it in on Tuesday this coming week.

I’d like to do TAST this year. I miss hand stitching, but I need to have some direction I want to go. If I don’t have something I want to accomplish with it, I won’t keep up. The firs time was easy beacuse my goal was to learn the stitches. Maybe I’ll make a cloth book . . . twelve chapters with twelve design challenges and then the weekly TAST and Beyond TAST. Well, we’ll see.

Enough thought meandering. I’ll try to get back to a somewhat regular, planned method of posting. We’ll see how that goes, too.