It’s Friday

It’s Friday

I had a reasonably long list of things I wanted to get done this week. I need to redefine reasonable. I probably should also keep a list of what I do manage to get done. It doesn’t seem like I accomplished anything, but I did get some things crossed off the list. I’m not sure what’ll get done today. There are still plenty of items on the list. Hmm . . . Maybe fix the bathroom cabinet door, which is…

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Weave & Stitch

Weave & Stitch

If you follow Jude’s blog, Spirit Cloth, you know that she has been talking a lot about weaving lately. She’s mentioned and shown how much stitching and weaving are the same, So, the other day, when I was looking for something else and came across this bookmark I’d made (either for TAST or for an embroidery class, 10+ years ago), I immediately thought of that. It’s a perfect example of stitch as weave. (Click to open full size image in…

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Such a Weird Day

Such a Weird Day

It started with my early morning dreams. I don’t remember most them (it), but I know that what I do remember was a continuation and the two people were talking about what happened. What I remember is two crewmen (man and woman) were settling into their hammock bunks in their spacecraft. The bunkroom was dark and foggy as if they were traveling through a foggy place at night in an open vehicle, but it was definitely a spacecraft and definitely…

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Organized? Me???

Organized? Me???

I was going to try to be organized about posting here, but . . . well, no use trying to be what I’m not. One day last week (or maybe it was the week before) I found a lovely folk art bird in my graphics from Creative Fabrica and I just had to digitize it. As if I didn’t have a gazillion other projects to do. But hey! That’s how I roll. After I digitized it, I wanted to see…

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Garden Work Is Never Done

Garden Work Is Never Done

I always plan to write something here every day, but then I get distracted. I guess I shouldn’t compare myself with my younger self, but it seems I get so little done. These sentences don’t seem quite related, but they are. I’ve always been distracted, but I used to move from one thing to the next and manage to spend enough time on each to have accomplished something by the end of the day, or the end of the week….

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When I first put a blog on my website, I simply downloaded b2Evolution, spent a little time learning how it worked, and had a blog I loved. Somewhere along the line it “upgraded” to something I couldn’t figure out without some serious coding classes. Since my blog had become so outdated that I couldn’t do anything, I reluctantly deleted it and installed WordPress. I’ve never been particularly happy with WordPress. In b2E I could do whatever I wanted to do….

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I’m always curious about the naturally dyed fabrics I see online, but I’m not really interested in becoming a dyer. I am up for a little experimenting, though. One day last week I was picking up two fallen, spent gloxinia blossoms and thought wouldn’t these make a pretty fabric color? Why not see? So I boiled some water and put the blooms in and mashed them around and poured it into a jar with a bit of muslin. The color…

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As If I Didn’t Have Other Things I Should Be Doing

As If I Didn’t Have Other Things I Should Be Doing

After reading Dee’s blog (Pattern and Outrage) I followed her link to The Paris Collage Collective. One picture caught my eye. It wasn’t for this week, but I’m not sure what week it was. I had planned to stitch, but I ended up digitally collaging instead. Apparently my dislike of freeways isn’t only about not liking to drive. The first image is just variations of the original, I ran the original through several G’MIC filters, picked five, and put one,…

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Monday Although, according to my sister, it should be mostly raining through June here in Western Oregon, today is a wonderfully, beautifully hot, summery day. I have discovered in the past few days that my energy levels for outside work have dwindled a lot more than I realized. Yesterday I was watering the garden pots and nearly passed out before I was finished. I came in before I passed out, but, even though I wasn’t overheated, I was totally exhausted…

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Weaving In A Box

Weaving In A Box

I’m all caught up on blogs, except Jude’s. There, I’ve only reached mid-April. Her posts are taking more time because I try to think about all she presents in her class posts. I go back to old blog posts, listen to audios, watch videos and sometimes go to related classes she mentions. And being the ADD person that I am, one thought leads to another tangentially related thought and then I don’t have any more time for blogs that day…

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