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Category: Cleaning & Organizing



When I logged in, I had three updates. Apparently I can do more on here, now. Not that I understood what with the quick scan I did. No time to play with it now. This week was actually productive for me. Unfortunately, not in the way I had hoped. Fortunately, in a way that was needed. Monday was errand day. Not exciting. Among more routine errands, we got a new toilet. Hopefully, we won’t have clogs and backups any more….

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It’s Friday

It’s Friday

I had a reasonably long list of things I wanted to get done this week. I need to redefine reasonable. I probably should also keep a list of what I do manage to get done. It doesn’t seem like I accomplished anything, but I did get some things crossed off the list. I’m not sure what’ll get done today. There are still plenty of items on the list. Hmm . . . Maybe fix the bathroom cabinet door, which is…

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Garden Work Is Never Done

Garden Work Is Never Done

I always plan to write something here every day, but then I get distracted. I guess I shouldn’t compare myself with my younger self, but it seems I get so little done. These sentences don’t seem quite related, but they are. I’ve always been distracted, but I used to move from one thing to the next and manage to spend enough time on each to have accomplished something by the end of the day, or the end of the week….

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Suddenly September

Suddenly September

And as seems to have become the norm, I haven’t done half the projects I planned for summer. That’s the only thing I hate about getting older–not having the energy or stamina to work physically from eight or nine in the morning until three, four or five in the afternoon. Yesterday I worked outside for about ninety minutes, and though the temperature was only low 80°s, I was wiped out. Still, I did manage to plant the candytuft Debie gave…

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Another Week Went Poof!

Another Week Went Poof!

I’m a homebody. I have ADD. I’ve done nothing this week because I’ve had appointments and have been pulled away from my routine (such as it is) by those, and other things, every day. My introverted homebody-ness borders on being a hermit. I’m able to go for a long time with no more outside contact than occasional texting. I’m not really sure how long, and it probably varies because I do like and need human contact sometimes, but I get…

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August Already??!!

August Already??!!

1:00 p.m. I think a month goes by as fast as a week (or less) used to. I never get used to it. I can remember when summer lasted a long time. Now it seems like the other three seasons together go by faster than summer used to go. I’m in a mood, today. Woke up that way. I can’t remember enough of my dream to know what set it off, but waking up cold did not help. I’ve come…

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Too Much Happening

Too Much Happening

Tuesday we had our GabCraft meeting. Rather than work on our macramé, we did string art. It was difficult, mainly because the “instructions” were horrible. Kris, who had the most complex design, was actually missing half of hers. Not that they would help much. Elaine (Kris’s BFF) had the best directions. After saying how to do it, which none of us understood, it said “Or use your imagination and be creative.” So she just did what she felt like doing….

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It’s Hot Outside

It’s Hot Outside

And I’m cold because when the temps are above 90°, Iqbal needs the a/c on. It’s not set too low the way most commercial places seem to be, but even 75° seems cold when you’ve been out in 90°. I don’t understand how someone who grew up in India without a/c can’t take any heat. Of course, he feels cold when outside temperatures fall below 65°-70°, too. Work on the sewing room goes slowly. That’s partly because I get distracted….

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Oh! The Excitement!

Oh! The Excitement!

Somewhere. But not here. I’ve worked a little each day. Iqbal, ever the optimist, said I’ll be done by the end of the week. I’d like to think so, but experience says otherwise. But it is better than yesterday. I didn’t think to take “Before” photos and it’d take me too long to find old photos, but it was definitely overcrowded. I got the art room furniture moved out last week. On Sunday I moved the sewing counter 90°. ↓…

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What A Mess!

What A Mess!

The desks and shelves are in place, but nothing else is. I think I got everything that was on the art desk moved. I also think I’ll be working on both rooms at once for a while. Here’s another NOT-TO-SCALE sketch The yellow dashed lines give an idea how the room was cramped before. The cutting table is closer to the yarn chest and there’s only just enough room at each end to get around it and not that much…

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