Log Cabin
Seeing so many log cabins lately inspired me to make one. I plan to make more.
It’s actually bigger in this photo than it really is. (At least, it was, on my laptop before I resized it.) It’s almost 5″ x almost 5″, I’m a bit amazed at how close to square it is. I have all these “ribbons” about ¼” to about 2″ in width, from my sister’s sewing scraps. I chose from these. Some are obviously too narrow, but I think the widest I used is about 1½” before seaming.
I used Jude’s overcast seam stitch (Fold and Stitch or Paperless Piecing). What I really like about it is that it’s a very secure piecing. For me the stitches are closer than a running stitch would be. This method also holds the seams flat and open, which, as Jude points out, is much better for embellishing than a thick, one direction fold would be. I’m still waffly about the aesthetics of it, though. I think that’s because I’m not really used to using it. I always like Jude’s and everyone else’s pieces using it. And using colored floss instead of my usual gray seaming thread makes a difference, too. (Hmm… I wonder how my poly embroidery machine thread scraps would look … ??? Possibly too sharp for my tight stitching … but that might look good on lap seams.)
So, my goal is to make more of these, and to continue with dots. For the dot’s, I thought I might try using TAST stitches. That might help me keep up with TAST. I also want to continue the one inch squares to have on hand. Basically, all of this is just stash making, creating building blocks for something, but I don’t really know what that something is, yet.
I also machine patched where the back pocket corner was tearing my favorite jeans. It’s the fourth embroidery patch and I will keep adding them as needed. It’s also the brightest, most obvious patch. The design is one that came with my machine. The outline is a little off because of the folded, thick pocket corner.