Well, yes. If I want to make anything, I need to get started.

I saw this cute box design (Just the black and white. Color design added because, although I have the right to use this design, I don’t have to right to give it to anyone.) at DesignBundles and wondered if it would make a decent stitched box. I grayed out the side flaps because I’ll be stitching, not gluing, those edges. The flaps on the lid remain so that it can be closed without stitching. It took about six to eight hours to digitize and looks pretty good on the computer. Tonight or tomorrow or Wednesday (I hope!) I will stitch one out to see if it really is good. If it is, I’ll have it here very soon. I’ll have more details when I post it.
I’m also going to try to machine embroider some rattan placemats. Those will most likely be a “Happy Everything” gift, because the person I’m planning them for a) is not part of my regular gift exchange and b) I know she’ll open them the minute she gets them even if they are wrapped in several layers that all say “Do not open until December 25.” I don’t want to say what else I have planned, on the off chance the intended individuals read here.
I have a couple of people to whom I want to give hand embroidered items, too.
What I need to do is make a list (not here or on computer). It never really helps get things done any better, faster or more organized, but can provide me a direction when my brain fails me. A place to throw a dart to figure out what project to work on.
Tomorrow, barring any interruptions or emergencies, I plan to work outside all day. It’s going to be significantly cooler (under 80°). Everything needs watering. My saw arrived last Wednesday (when it was 102°), so I can cut some limbs. If I have time, I also want to do some repotting.
Why is it that things start to take longer to do (by the clock) at the same time that time seems to go so much faster? Obviously, some of the sense of one is directly related to the other, but what used to take ten minutes now takes thirty minutes, but feels like was only five minutes. Time is such a weird thing. Wibbly-wobbly indeed!
One thought on “Christmas?”
the box!…..waiting to see
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