Tuesday 8/15
As I type, it’s 101° outside. If I could simply sit quietly in the shade, it wouldn’t bother me. It’s very dry heat. However, I had to water some pots. They were the ones in the shade. (Those in the sun will get water after dinner.) That helped, but still, just walking around dragging the hose was a sweaty experience. it was nice to be outside despite the sweaty heat. Sunday was hot outside, too, but I wore a winter dress all day in the a/c and was not at all hot. Yesterday it got to 103° (better than the 110° predicted!). We were running errands all afternoon. The parking lot paving at Costco was melting.
I guess we need to get used to stormy winters and Hot summers. They probably aren’t going to go away until a big volcano erupts sending ash into the atmosphere that will last a few years and cause a whole new set of problems. If it’s the Yellowstone mega volcano, it’ll be decades or more of little or no sunlight, but it won’t bother me because most of the US west of the Mississippi River will be buried in ash. Oh, well. Mother Earth needs to do what she needs to do to get rid of the nasty rash caused by the human life that was supposed to be a good earthen “bacteria.”
Sounds grim, but I’m not. I am frustrated, though. Almost everything on my to-do list is outside work. There are plenty of inside jobs, but I was geared for outside. Plus I know a lot won’t get done this year, again, because I just can’t do as much as I used to do. . . even without the excess heat.
I decided it was a good idea to get my shelves in so that I can put things away better. Right now they’re just stacked in that cupboard–not easy access. I was happy to see that one shelf didn’t need holes drilled for the shelf supports. Then I attempted to put the shelf in. I know I gave the guy at the lumber place the right measurements. I measured the existing shelf three times! The shelves are about half an inch too wide. Oh, well. That’s better than too short. But when I got out my jigsaw, it had no blade and I couldn’t find one. So much for getting shelving arranged. Tomorrow I’ll head over to Ace for a blade first thing and maybe it’ll get done tomorrow.
Friday 8/18
Got my blades on Wednesday. I wasn’t sure which ones to get, but the Helpful Handyman picked out a package and told me they’d fit any jigsaw. The package says that, too. They were wrong. They don’t fit my jigsaw. It’s old at forty plus years. They’re too wide to fit into the slot. New ones probably have wider slots. I think I threw away my receipt. Iqbal says they’ll exchange them anyway. I’m not as sure about an opened package. We’ll go tomorrow when we have other errands to run. If they don’t exchange them, I’ll see if my brother wants them in exchange for one or two that fit. He probably has tools for both sizes.
Today I want to . . .
I wish I knew what I want to do! I sort of want to write. I sort of want to machine sew and embroider. I sort of want to hand sew and embroider. I sort of want to snuggle into the sofa and read. And then there are things I should or need to do. The Adderall doesn’t seem to be working, today. Well, I suppose it is, or will. It’s not meant to help me decide on something, just to help focus, on what I finally do decide to do, for more than ten minutes. I wish I could turn the hyperfocus on and off.
Just thought: People wit ADD/ADHD are proof that multitasking doesn’t really work. If it did, I’d have accomplished so much!

I’ve gotten around to collecting together and vaguely organizing all my graphics files. Still working on it, but it’s going much faster than the embroidery files ever did. This, true to my scattered interests, makes me want to do more “arting” and they also make me want to digitize more. So rather than spending all my evenings filing, I hope to do some of that. And hopefully, that will give me some incentive to post here a little more frequently.
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Talking/writing about embroidery and graphics is a distraction as it leads to web surfing. See ya when the surf’s down.
One thought on “HOT!!”
love this post…so much how it goes sometimes for all of us
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