Since I mentioned it last night, I took a picture of my progress on the Afghan. It is far, far from perfect, but will still be warm and cozy when done, so I consider it not bad for my very first.

I put the green pencil on it to give an idea of the size. This is approximately 3/5 done. I just started on the fourth jumbo skein
Sometime in 2023 I might start a flower granny square Afghan. I also want to see if I can make a shawl. I don’t know if I’ll get to or finish either. There are too many things I’d like to do even if I live past 100.
Today started cloudy and grim, but the sun came out in the afternoon. It’s dark out now, so I’m not sure, but I think it’s cloudy again. That’s ok, but I hope the rain holds off for a day or two more so I can get my plants taken care of. Over all, rain is good, though.