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Author: Faith

Born 70+years ago, I have 3/4 of a bachelor's degree in English. I love to read and love having written (not so much the actual process of writing). I've had several jobs, but no real profession. I have LOTS of hobbies, that seem to rotate and recycle, which leads to too many UFOs! The longest running are writing, hand embroidery, machine embroidery & digitizing, quilting, fabric, paper, and mixed medial collage and gardening (but even "long running" is more dabbling than doing). I have ADD, which became very obvious to me when my husband retired and ALL my required schedules disappeared. I'm a wife (50+years), sort of step-mom to 3, mom to 1. Daddima (grandma) to 2 plus 7 on the step side, where there are also 4(?) great grands. (I really know only the youngest step and spouse and their 2 now adult children.) I rarely blog about family, preferring to write about the currently cycling hobby and random thoughts that pop up (blather?).
Fire Dreams

Fire Dreams

Even though I was not directly affected and personally know only one family who lost their home, I dreamt of the fires this morning, of being in them, I think, but not harmed. Perhaps it’s because that one family is so close to me. The bad part is that I woke at eight a.m. with a brilliant quilt idea that wouldn’t let me go back to sleep until about ten. That’s all the middle of the night for this night…

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Updates …

Updates …

… ‘Cause life keeps getting me behinder. The fires got close to Salem on September 7, 2020. My granddaughters and their parents are all safe, but their house is gone. Fortunately they have a house in Portland. Air quality since the 7th has been moderate to hazardous and I guess it will remain at the latter for a while, unless we get rain. Obviously, with hazardous air, I didn’t get restarted on walking in the park. My knee therapy was…

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Bored and Frustrated

Bored and Frustrated

Being frustrated is very boring! This past week (year?) has been annoying and has left me bored and frustrated. It seems like everything I tried to do encountered a roadblock. I wanted to finish a machine embroidery project. I had it all set up and ready to go on Monday night and when I turned on the machine on Tuesday, the hoop had an error. So I thought I’d work on another project and now the stitching is wonky. My…

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Just Pondering Meandering Thoughts …

Just Pondering Meandering Thoughts …

I’ve been reading and managed to finish almost four books in the last five or six days. That’s no big deal. Mom would have read at least eight in that time. I thoroughly enjoyed the first three–Kingdom of Speech by Tom Wolfe (had me wondering if he’s the reincarnation of or channeling Mark Twain), Ordeal by Innocence by Agatha Christie, and A Girl Walks into a Book: What the Brontës Taught Me about Life, Love, and Women’s Work by Miranda…

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Originally posted at Life is cycles. I can’t say about other people, but it’s definitely true about me. That’s not singular. There are multiple cycles and they are definitely not regular or in sync! It can be quite chaotic. I wonder if this is part of ADD. The first descriptive thought that came to mind was “parabolic cycles.” To check, I googled it. Mostly all I got was a ton of bitcoin info. Not what I wanted. I tried “irregular cycles”…

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Slow, But Sure

Slow, But Sure

Well, maybe. Definitely slow, for sure. I’m so slow at doing anything. “Slower than molasses in January” doesn’t begin to cover it. Part of it is that sitting in anything but the recliner is really hard on my back after about 30 minutes. I hate that. Mentally I’m ready and rarin’ to go. Physically, I’m falling apart. That’s so weird, because I’m actually very healthy. Another part would be that I’m a procrastinator. I have always been a procrastinator. Every…

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So Far…

So Far…

Wednesday evening I scrolled through Instagram (#ragmates 2020) and was so inspired. I had to pick up my squares for Iqbal’s quilt before I got them in order (which he really wants), so last night I jumped in to a new small cloth. I don’t know what’s going to happen with it, what it’s going to be. So far, it’s just tiny pieces stitched to cheesecloth in a sort of log cabin pattern. I’ll stitch more tonight. Somehow the first…

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Final Decision

Final Decision

I always liked the old blog program, but it just became too complicated and my desire to spend time on the computer figuring it out just isn’t there any more. I like the look of this. It has bells ans whistles if I want. But mostly it’s easy to use … so far, anyway. So I’m done for today. As I get around to it, I’ll add more personal touches, but right now, I’m going to go outside into the…

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I’m Back!!!

I’m Back!!!

At least, I’m partly back. The back office, or dashboard, is sooooooo different, but WordPress seems to be simpler than b2evo. It’ll be a while before I get all the details back in place. I need to relearn how to do everything except writing posts. So far, this looks mostly the same. Today I got a box of books. I’ll take a pic and post that tomorrow. It’s not like I needed anything more to read. Added to my current…

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