Slow, But Sure
Well, maybe. Definitely slow, for sure.
I’m so slow at doing anything. “Slower than molasses in January” doesn’t begin to cover it. Part of it is that sitting in anything but the recliner is really hard on my back after about 30 minutes. I hate that. Mentally I’m ready and rarin’ to go. Physically, I’m falling apart. That’s so weird, because I’m actually very healthy.
Another part would be that I’m a procrastinator. I have always been a procrastinator. Every once in a while I surprise myself and get something done right away. I’d like that to be common enough not to be a surprise. That would be amazing. I don’t expect to be amazed.
Actually, I’m a distracted procrastinator. Even when I decide to stop putting something off, I very likely will find something else to do on my way to the decided something. It doesn’t have to be anything important, either. Occasionally, it will be something that needs to be done now. Usually, it’s just something that caught my eye as I passed it. You never know what will catch my eye, either.

A very good example of my distractability is the cats on this page. I was looking for a divider and saw them, but they were definitely not dividers at 4000 pixels wide with a border with cut lines (they’re for making stickers). While still not exactly dividers, they work for me. I think they’re cute. A couple of hours work/play.

This past week was busy with appointments, for me. Resulting in very little stitching. I did get half the big cloth temporarily pinned together, to get a better color view than my digital “pattern,” (which was supposed to be in a previous post that never was made).

Actual blocks, pinned:

It’s a pretty bad photo. No good photo light and working around an MLS game.
The two yellow blocks on the bottom are the center. I think I switched a couple others. Many of the patterns are more subtle than the digital version (picture of fabric pictures), but even the photo isn’t exactly right. (At least not on my laptop.)
I was going to simply seam piece the blocks, but they are more varied in size than I realized, so I’m going to use Jude’s pre-folding method. I’m pretty sure, but not entirely sure, how it works, so I need to read/watch the lessons again.

I also finally finished the free standing (machine embroidery) dragon and unicorn for my granddaughters. I’ll take pictures before I mail them out.

I have so many ideas for the thousands (no exaggeration!) of machine embroidery designs I have. Unfortunately, the ideas aren’t even as organized as the designs. I want to make some of the lace designs to use in crazy quilting. I don’t have any old lace to use. And the idea of adding hand embroidery to machine stitched is appealing, too. I just need to get off my duff and get stitching! Hand and machine.
I also have an idea for machine lace that I don’t want to say so I don’t jinx it. It’s been percolating for a while. It’s just a matter of sitting at the machine and helping it (hooping, changing threads) to stitch … and stitch … and stitch … , and then doing a wee bit of non embroidery stitching. I hope it works.
Patience. In some ways more is needed for the machine embroidery than for hand embroidery. Just because it’s not totally in my control, I suspect. Hand embroidery is about the process as much as the product. Not so much for machine embroidery.

I’ve been typing here off and on all day. Not exactly focused on anyhing today.