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Tag: garden maintenance

Friday, Already? Again?

Friday, Already? Again?

Today has been another day I didn’t do what I intended to do. Actually, that’s pretty normal for me. I was going to sand my benches. Instead, we picked pears. Whatever is left on the tree is for the birds… or squirrels. Or the bugs, particularly when they fall to the ground. We don’t poison our tree, so the fruit is always iffy. We eat up the best ones and dry (or maybe freeze, this year) the rest after cutting…

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Well, yes. If I want to make anything, I need to get started. I saw this cute box design (Just the black and white. Color design added because, although I have the right to use this design, I don’t have to right to give it to anyone.) at DesignBundles and wondered if it would make a decent stitched box. I grayed out the side flaps because I’ll be stitching, not gluing, those edges. The flaps on the lid remain so…

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