

I don’t know who walked up onto my deck this morning, but I have never seen such big bird tracks before. The crows’ feet aren’t that big. I imagine something the size of a turkey. They are about the same width and half the length of my feet! (Yes, I do go out into the snow in bare feet,)

The Mantel

The Mantel

Yesterday, after finally clearing the creches off the mantel and piano, I decided I wanted a planned mantel. It’s always what I want, actually, but somehow never what I’ve had. I googled around and finally ended up reading at The DIY Playbook and got an idea what I’ve always done wrong. I was sure I had a “before” photo, but if I do, I can’t find it. It’s not in iCloud or on Flickr. So… I played around with GIMP,…

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TAST Stitch 2: Fly Stitch / Italian Border Stitch.

TAST Stitch 2: Fly Stitch / Italian Border Stitch.

The sun (running stitch and chain stitch) and the evergreen branch in the lower right (fly stitch, stem stitch) were done about seven months ago. Today I added the the birds and the tree. The birds are Italian border stitch with two strands of variegated floss, one flipped to give 2-tones to each stitch. I think I want to add more birds. Many more. Darker, smaller, in the blue block. Not sure yet. The tree trunk is single fly stitches…

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What I like about Oregon Winter

What I like about Oregon Winter

The cloudy, rainy days get to me. Since the rain has paused, I went out to look for some cheer. I didn’t need a coat, though if were going for a walk I would have put on a sweater–or better yet, my rain slicker. This is what I found: Not bad for January 5! The grass is greener than ever and the driveway is, too(with moss)! Pretty soon the early blooms of spring will be out. Woohoo!!



This post is really me thinking/planning for the new year, which is as close as I get to resolutions. I’m making it public for a certain level of accountability. And, who knows, maybe someone else might find something helpful. Goals are not, never have been, my strong suit. Nonetheless, periodically I do set some. Although 2020 has been a crap year for most, I have minimally come out on the plus side. This is partly because what is a lockdown…

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Random Bits

Random Bits

Digitizing I’ve had laundry basket labels on my to-do list for some time. With a label, Iqbal will know which basket to put things in when he does that chore and I won’t end up shrinking or bleaching something if I forget to double check before putting them in the machine. I started working on them last spring, but interruptions and distractions kept me from finishing. At first I did them too big. When I stitched one out, I didn’t…

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While Away

While Away

I’m in a kind of meditative mood. This title just popped into my head and immediately it had two meanings. While away from this blog, I did some things. I never do as much of what I want to do as I think I will, though. My sister moved in with us temporarily while she looked for and found her new home. She will probably be here another month, waiting for closing and then new flooring and painting before she…

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Inch by Inch

Inch by Inch

That pretty much sums up everything for me. Last week I finished the fourth row of Iqbal’s quilt. This is a pretty crap photo, but I have no clothesline outside on which to hang them, and this is my design “wall” –sort of. Eventually it will be something hanging there on which to pin things. There is no actual wall space anywhere. The rows are also not in order. This week I’ve been working on my 50+ year project of…

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