

I’ve been thinking the past few weeks about doodling. People show their doodles and they’re cute animals, girls, mini scenes–basically quick drawings, not totally mindless. Ninety percent of my doodles are not drawing. They’re just pen or pencil strokes on paper, usually connected. Last week I decided to do some with each stroke as a separate layer in GIMP. (I ended up dividing some (most) strokes for a smoother flow.)

(These both are actually black lines, but I discovered WP’s duotone filter. 😊 Links open to the b/w originals.)

I love stitching these in chainstitch and could thread doodle like that all day, but, except for a little bit of it on a CQ patch, I’m not sure how to incorporate it into a meaningful stitch. Something similar to to Jude’s creature of Feb. 23 might be one way.

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