TAST: French Knot & Pistil Stitch
I’m still filling in my doodle cloth. It’s become kind if a free form sampler–a combination of practice stitches and experimenting.
Pistil Stitch
Generally speaking, I really like knot stitches and this is no different.

This pistil flower is one of the experimental stitches. I like how these flowers turned out, generally, but will do at least two things differently next time.
1) I won’t use variegated thread for the petals because the individual flowers are not distinct enough. At least not on this size. (The largest is thumbnail size.) Some of my yellow flowers ended up a green too close to the stem color, too.
2) Flower centers need to be spaced a little farther apart. Also, I like the delicateness of the single floss strand for petals, but maybe more of them, maybe alternating shorter and longer, would work better, especially for multiple flowers to stand out.
Perhaps, with single floss strand petals, a size 12 perle, or 10 crochet thread would be better for the stems than the 5-8 craft thread.
I definitely will be doing more of these flowers with different threads and different arrangements.
French knot

Nothing particularly unique about these, but one can never practice French knots too much. I have to add lots more of them. I’m thinking I want them to fill in this section all the way up to the pistil flowers. These are made with perle 12, 8, & 3, craft thread, and two strands of floss.
The lavender stitches at the center of the photo are drizzle stitches that I temporarily pinned back because they kept interfering with making the French knots.