Kiwi Chicken
Was going to finish the den today. It’s after 3 and I haven’t been in there yet. I may get in there, but it’s not likely I’ll get finished today. Oh, well. This is my normal.
Three hours later . . . I got distracted. Again, my normal. I was going to write about my stitching last night, but I saw another picture and wanted to play with it.
So this (kiwi skin with one last scoop of fruit) . . .

. . . became this.

Iqbql laughed when I told him I turned a kiwi into a chicken.
There are a LOT of versions. I didn’t intend to turn it into a chicken, but playing with all the filters made some versions look like chickens to me. So I played with filters some more, with a bit more intention, and this is my result.
Sorry, if you were expecting a recipe. She’s digital, not edible.
2 thoughts on “Kiwi Chicken”
I was expecting a recipe. 😛
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