

That’s what kind of day it is. Mostly clear blue skies and not too hot.

I haven’t been doing anything much interesting. Mostly garden chores and cleaning. I’m really bad at cleaning. It’s a combination of ADD and boredom. I get totally overwhelmed with big cleaning jobs like my sewing and art rooms. I have no ability to prioritize. But I’m learning. Or, at least, progressing. I have learned quite a bit from Cas at Clutterbug.

I was cleaning off the tables and then they’d be a big mess again. I finally figured out I have to start on the floor. A really big help was exchanging my three humongous plastic drawers and five smaller plastic drawers for 14 neat white wood (sort of) drawers. The only thing that needed a big drawer was stabilizers and they all (including the two by the machine) fit into one of the other cabinet drawers under the table. Everything else is better not all mixed together.

This is the humongous drawers chest. None of these drawers closes properly. You can see the stabilizer is starting to overflow the bottom drawer–and there are two fat rolls next to my machine. The middles drawer is a project that fit into a large decorative box. The top drawer is a jumble of all kinds of sewing tools. They went into four or five drawers.

To the left of the big drawers you can see the back of the smaller drawers. They held all kinds of bindings, laces, trims and decorative patches, etc. Now each type has it’s own drawer.

This photo was taken earlier. There was also a laundry size basket and more boxes of STUFF.

These are the new drawers. They look so much nicer and won’t get all bent out of shape like the big ones did. Now all the cupboards under the table are the white pressed wood.

I’d like to replace the cupboards in the back, too. I like being able to see my hand embroidery threads, but have the same problems with the plastic not closing nicely. Everything is such a mishmash there. One or two white cupboards to match. Maybe more drawers on the bottom and shelves on top.

Everything is still a mess in this photo, but today there’s even more clear floor.

My cleaning mantra is “A home for everything and everything in it’s home.” If I can’t find or make a functional home for an item, something has to go. That’s not always easy. It’s also hard not being able to use the rooms yet. If there is some sewing I really need to do, I can push the mess aside to do it, but it’s not conducive to creativity. I have been trying to do a little art in the art room, but again, it’s not conducive to creativity. I really hope to have all of this done before the end of the summer. Unlike a lot of people with ADD though, I do not work well under the pressure of a deadline. Pressure generally leads to a complete shutdown for me. So, while I might like to be done well before September 1, I do not have to be done by then

Oh, and I need to make some nice labels. The label maker is OK, but turns out to sometimes be hard to read. I have a ton of pretty labels in my Creative Fabrica and Design Bundles folders. Just a matter of choosing which one(s).

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