Not Much
I was going to post photos of me in 2011 and 2021, but the older photos are not on Flickr or my computer. I am assuming they are either on my other computer or on a disk.
I need to write in the morning, I think.
My son called. I love talking to him. We converse about things no one else either of knows talks about. But we talked about two hours and whatever I was planning to write is gone. Pffft!
Again, I tell myself, I need to write in the morning. I had thoughts this morning. I certainly don’t now. Well, I do, but they are about my son’s academic paper, and I really don’t know anything about the subject. If, by chance, someone reading here was even interested in the subject, I doubt my thoughts would be informed enough to be interesting.
Actually, a different aspect of the subject could be very interesting to textile artists. It’s adaptation of one art form to another. (For my son, it’s books, movies and video games.) Oh! This is what Jude does a lot by her illustrating Spirit Cloths. She’s telling stories and interpreting her drawings in thread and fabric! It’s perhaps more dynamic with books, movies and RPGs, but isn’t that what all art quilts do to some degree? But we also do it closer to same lines he is writing about when we interpret a specific artwork or photo, or illustrate a specific story (like a fairy tale).
I love how everything connects to everything else at some point.

I got rid of Grammarly because it couldn’t adapt for more … complex(?) sentences. Now I need to figure out how to turn off the new grammar correction in Edge for the same reason. Those blue lines are annoying. Especially when I know I’m right and they are wrong.

I need to go read or write a story.
One thought on “Not Much”
If I posted everything I thought about writing, my blog would explode … perhaps less is more 😉
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