 Writing.Com Item ID: #828643
 Title:  I Missed the Train
 Item Type: Static Item
 Brief:  Life is about the journey.
 Last Modified: 03-18-2004 @ 8:40pm

I Missed the Train

I missed the train.
I wandered a different path
and enjoyed my trip
all the while remembering
I had a destination,
and that I missed the train.

I took the bus
and rode a digressive tour
headed somewhere, again
always remembering
I missed the train.

I booked a flight
and learned to soar
with eagles, and see
my destination and my path.

I missed the train.
Still, I move forward.
There is no moving back.

Walking, riding,
plodding, flying,
I have a destination.

And I can see
I've miles to go
before I sleep.
