 Writing.Com Item ID: #705685
 Title:  Streams of Consciousness
 Item Type: Static Item
 Brief:  Written for skyreeta's  Internal Rhyme Contest
 Last Modified: 08-14-2003 @ 2:58pm

Streams of Consciousness

From my mind

thoughts ought to go on paper ~ not,
at least, onto this bestial white with its pixilated presentations
that strains the brain as these pitiful eyes loose their alacrity
and words blur. Or did my thoughts transport?

Up and down or
in and out, it's all

like the stars that were ours at dawn, they're gone with the glare ~ in
the sun, or these blanks ~ articulation absent, anxiety begins to swell
at space so vast and empty. So I build a carapace with little traceries
which soon emerge as my audacious creations. Or are they regurgitations?

but more than words,
my thoughts

doting, emoting, molting. These children of my lucidity, adolescents now,
who taste of life, waste time, look for their own sublime illusions
or realities, refuse fealty to my intent, forcing me to invent new permutations,
slight fatuity, so my tale be told in full frippery. Or is it merely sold?

Part of me
ephemeral at inception,
substantial only given form

fame and grandeur, the lame excuse for sitting idly. Muse, tap fingers
without rhythm, fabricate fiction with a nebulous diction of fabulous characters,
portend airy visions, nary truth nor lie, importune revisions 'til by and by
the account reside with no amount of riotous surplusage. Or do I dare?

From Skyreeta (26) Email User: skyreeta [Offline / Private]Add skyreeta To My Authors:
Congratulations! You were the third place winner in my Internal Rhyme Poetry Contest