 Writing.Com Item ID: #1170599
 Title:  Who Am I?
 Item Type: Static Item
 Brief:  I am more than meets they eye.
 Last Modified: 06-27-2008 @ 1:40am

Who am I?

Am I just a woman
living in this time,
this place?
Is there more to me
than meets the eye?

I am a woman, and just,
but not merely.
I am a daughter
a sister
a wife
a mother
a friend --
the intricacies of
beyond the obvious.

This time
this place
are but limitations
of the eye.
My mind is
not so restricted.

Who am I?
is the path
to the door -
imagination -
through which I travel,
find new me's,

than merely
the me
you see,

I can be
a 15th century
Chinese warrior,
a princess
with a dragon love.
I can be
a doctor
caught in mystery,
fairy guardians
to a child.

And when I return,
I leave the door

I am a woman
in this time
in this place
but I have grown.

I am
a new me --
Not exactly
who you think!

10/21/06 First draft